Auto Installer is app for auto-silent install apps after flashing/hard reset.


1. Download AI.rar
2. Extract it to rofs folder, sys folder to sys folder etc..  and pnht will be new folder
3. Put sis,jar files to “pnht/c” folder if apps have to be installed on C drive
4. Put sis,jar files to “pnht/e” folder if apps have to be installed on E drive
5. Edit some “starter*.rsc” for auto starting “AI.exe”
For example:
Edit “starter_background_apps.rsc” and change “mce.exe” to “mc1.exe”, then rename “AI.exe” to “mc1.exe”
6. Set install options in AI.ini – AI.ini have to be in z:\pnht\ or e:\pnht\
7. Done, flash phone

On first start-up it will install all apps from :

e:\private\10202dce\ - set this option in AI.ini

In “c:\logs\PNHT\log.txt” you will find installation log.

If you want to run installer again just delete “AI.txt” form “c\data\” folder and restart phone. When installer will not find any file to install in folders he will start again after reboot.

When at least one file will be installed, installer will create AI.txt file in Data folder and will not start at next boot.